Sept 16th to Sept 18th | 1pm to 9pm (PST) Daily

Sept 17th to Sept 19th | 6am to 2pm (AEST) Daily

  • Automate Your Business: Set up powerful, hands-off systems that capture leads, nurture relationships, and convert clients effortlessly.

  • Save Time & Scale Fast: Implement ready-made workflows and funnels designed to streamline operations and drive consistent growth.

  • Hands-On Guidance: Get click-by-click support to build your custom automation, ensuring you're equipped to succeed from day one.

What You’ll Achieve:

Over the course of three day intensive "Get 💩 Done" workshop, we’ll walk you through setting up your very own Business in a Box using the OmniSAM platform. This isn’t just theory – it’s a hands-on, click-by-click experience where you’ll leave with fully functional systems tailored to your business. Imagine having all your leads, follow-ups, and client communications automated, so you can focus on what you do best.


Missed Opportunities

No more losing leads or clients due to forgotten follow-ups or manual processes.

Overwhelm & Burnout

Eliminate the stress of managing every aspect of your business by automating key tasks.

Time-Consuming Admin

Free yourself from repetitive, time-draining tasks and focus on what truly matters in your business.

What’s Included in Your Business in a Box:

Automated Lead Capture

Effortlessly collect and manage new leads with workflows designed to engage and convert them into clients.



Ensure every lead is nurtured with personalised follow-ups that keep your business top-of-mind.

Stale Lead Reactivation

Re-engage cold or inactive leads with automated campaigns that breathe new life into your pipeline.

Lead Magnet

Attract and convert leads with a highly effective lead magnet funnel, complete with a compelling lead magnet to drive engagement.

2-Year Nurture Campaign

Keep your audience connected with over 2 years of value-driven, automated emails that consistently engage and build trust.


Simplify appointment scheduling with automated calendar bookings that sync with your availability and client needs.

No-Show & Cancel Follow-Up

Automatically follow up with clients who miss or cancel appointments, turning potential lost opportunities into rescheduled bookings.

Review & Referral Campaigns

Turn satisfied clients into brand advocates with automated review requests and referral incentives.

...plus 30 Day Free OmniSAM Trial

Unlock 30 days of full access to OmniSAM and experience the ultimate Sales, Automation & Marketing platform, designed to help you streamline your business operations.

With your free trial, you’ll gain access to powerful tools like lead magnet funnels, follow-up automation, calendar booking systems, opportunity tracking pipelines, and a 2-year long-term nurture sequence with 96 ready-to-use emails, social media scheduler and more!

Whether you’re nurturing leads or managing daily tasks, OmniSAM has everything you need to save time, scale faster, and stay organised—all in one place.

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